Monday, 2 November 2009

Masterpiece of Madness

Me & Mrs Sarah Again.
-Greyboy "Unwind Your Mind"
-Radio Citizen "The Hop"
-Frank William & The Rocketeers "You got to be a man"
-Eddie Harris "It's alright"
-Undisputed Truth "I'm losing you"
-Funk Fu Funk from the Library "The connection"
-Marvin Gaye "Play it cool"
-The Bar-kays "Son of Shaft"
-Eero Koivistoinen Wahoo "Suite 19"
-Mombasa "Al Rahman"
-Rena Scott "Super Lover"
-Mavis Stapple "Tonight I feel like dancing"
-Ian Preece "Superfuzz"
-Casbah 73 "The way i am"

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